To help them achieve their marketing objectives, digital marketers have a variety of social media platforms to select from (each with special features and advantages of its own) and several approaches to apply. Certain social media marketing misconceptions, meantime, still exist. Sometimes these misconceptions prevent marketers from reaching their objectives.

Find out in this post which 10 social media marketing fallacies all marketers should disprove by 2024!

1. Should B2B Companies Use Instagram?


This one is a fiction in its whole. Actually, we are seeing an increasing number of B2B companies utilizing social media sites like Instagram and TikTok to expand their online visibility. Naturally, they share different stuff on these sites than they may on a more “business-oriented” one like LinkedIn (more on content diversification below).

Considering that the platform prioritizes video content, TikTok in particular is an intriguing situation. A fast expanding channel, video is a great tool for digital marketers to tell the story of their company. Last year, more than half of B2B marketers used Instagram and sixteen percent used TikTok.

2. Can Regulated Businesses Use Social Media?

Social Media

First instincts may be to completely ignore social media marketing and concentrate on more conventional marketing strategies for marketers at businesses in highly regulated sectors like healthcare or finance. Actually, though, these companies can both adhere to industry norms and create a purposeful social media presence.

The various advantages outweigh the little extra work required to have content vetted and authorized before it can be shared on a company’s social media account. Just a few are raising brand recognition, gaining credibility, and creating a web presence.

3. Is Social Media Exclusively For “Younger” People?

Young People using Social Media

Even though younger demographics may use TikTok and Snapchat, older demographics are still very much involved on social media sites like Facebook and LinkedIn.

While certain platforms may have an older skew than others. Look over these brief statistics:

  • About 25% of Facebook members are 45 or older, while nearly half are 25–34.
  • More than 70% of Instagram users are under 35.
  • X (formerly Twitter) is used by almost 30% of Americans aged 35 to 54.
  • Probably skewing younger than most marketers believe, 60% of LinkedIn users worldwide are between the ages of 25 and 35!

This explains the need for a multi-channel social media plan. Develop your brand’s online presence on several channels to attract various audiences.

4. Is Follower Count Really That Important?


Both to be sure and not. In the end, if your business has a million followers on social media, how many of them are actually real? As an illustration of what we call a “vanity metric,” follower count offers little information about the effect on a company.

The quality of engagement, the interactions your followers have with your brand and the content you’re sharing, and the kinds of conversations they’re having about your brand (both on your social media properties and elsewhere, like on Reddit and review forums) are other more important areas to evaluate than only follower counts.

That is not to argue that marketers should completely disregard follower numbers, but they should exercise caution in considering this figure to be the most significant social media indicator.

5. Should I Post Every Day?


Though frequency is not as crucial as quality of information, consistency is. Give your whole attention to adding value. Better than just spamming a bunch of low-effort postings, interesting, and instructional material can capture attention and mindshare. More postings, of course, increase the likelihood that they will appear in the feeds of your followers throughout the day, but in the end, this tactic might not provide the desired outcomes, particularly if it presents a negative image of your company.

Though publishing every day is not necessary, we do advise doing so at least once or twice a week. New material is crucial for both current and prospective followers as well as buyers, hence this helps keep the social media profile current. Naturally, other considerations such your present capacity and your availability of time to study, produce, evaluate, and publish material may affect how often you post each week. Many times, internal marketers may seek assistance from other sources, such social media marketing firms.

6. Should I Ignore Unfavorable Comments?


This one is difficult and largely relies on the subject of the disparaging remark. Fair and competent handling of unfavorable remarks can show responsibility and enhance the perception of your company. An unsatisfied consumer might, for instance, write a complaint on social media. Ignoring or deleting it could convey the wrong impression, such that your business doesn’t value client complaints. This can drive off prospective clients and sour your current rapport with the client who is voicing the grievance. Here, think of alternatives, such as making a public offer to direct message the consumer to assist in resolving their problem.

On the other hand, occasionally a critical comment may have nothing to do with your business. One area where comments can be reported to the social media site and removed from a post is hate speech.

Whether digital marketers delete a critical comment or reply to it should ultimately be decided on a case-by-case basis.

7. Can Social Media Increase Sales?

Social Media Sales

Relationships may be developed, customer service offered, and the more human aspect of your brand showcased on social media. Social media helps retain, keep, and discover customers since more consumers want to learn about the company they buy from.

Social media can help businesses reach top-, middle-, and bottom-funnel goals like lead generation.

Think about advertising on paid social media. Top-of-funnel brand awareness campaigns are one thing marketers can do, but they can also design lead-generation ad campaigns where users visit their website and complete a form to get a useful white paper.

8. Do I Really Need to Make Videos?

making Videos

Regardless of the platform you’re producing content for and the business your organization is in, video matters, marketing like it or not. Versatile and really interesting is video material. Video behind-the-scenes, interviews, and instructional videos can help even conventional B2B sectors.

Variety of material might assist your audience find your social media feed more interesting. Not that marketers have to budget heavily either. A video need not be expertly produced, but it must be of sufficient quality to not take away from the social media presence of your business. Digital marketers may produce straightforward but powerful videos on their own with just a smartphone, understanding of what makes a video high-quality (such as strong lighting and framing), and a purpose in mind.

9. Can I Just Talk About My Brand?

brand authenticity

Social media should be social, and not many people would want to follow a company page that simply shares a lot of promotional or “salesy” stuff. People want to engage with interesting stuff; they do not want to be pitched at.Marketers who are unfamiliar with social media or digital marketing could believe that every post has to somehow reference their business, whether it be by using the same branded hashtag on all of their LinkedIn material or by including the corporate logo on every Instagram post.

As it happens, not every post has to be branded, but it does have to be valuable. Take into account the user’s problem, your business, and its good or services. Do you want to tell what kind of story?

For instance, not every Instagram post you create for an eyewear brand has to be about sunglasses, glasses, or other items the company offers. Stir in other popular material and thought leadership. While it may not directly advertise any of your items, a piece about maintaining the state of your glasses does provide useful information to your website.

10. Can I Use This Content Anywhere?

social-media Content

Though it can be effective and time-saving to post the same material on several social media sites, this approach might not be the most strategic and might even go against some of your social media goals! Why should a consumer follow a firm on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook rather than just one platform if the marketer is putting out the same stuff everywhere?

Every social networking site has a different user base, special features, and content demands. Through content customization to each platform’s style and demographics, marketers strengthen their position to accomplish their objectives.


The commencement of a profitable marketing campaign should not be hampered by any of these beliefs! Lenostube is here to help you. You might be doing youtube marketing or any social media marketing and like to increase your brand’s online exposure? Then Lenostube is definitely for you.